Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blog Post 1B : Characteristics of Youth Work


1. A SOCIAL PRACTICE... Youth Workers will adopt 'case-work' approaches to working with young people. For example, through the provision of personal information, advice, and guidance work.

2. A EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE... Youth Workers are primarily educators who engage with young people in DIVERSE settings, using different methods and activities to stimulate informal education and learning.

3. Actively CHALLENGING the inequality and work towards social JUSTICE...most youth work takes place in the context of social justice, often with young people and others who are margins, excluded by a number of personal, cultural and structural barriers.

4. Wherever possible INCLUDE young people... young people's interaction with youth work is based on a voluntary engagement between the practitioner and young person.

5. Seeks to STRENGTHEN the VOICE and INFLUENCE of young people... empowerment, participation, active citizenship and democratic engagement.

6. A WELFARE PRACTICE...promotes the welfare and safety of young people.

7. Works WITH young people HOLISTICALLY... contributes to the reduction of anti-social behavior in a local community and, as a result, be perceived to 'fix' problems in 'hot-spot' areas.

To me, youth work is all about interacting with youth in diverse settings to help enrich their learning experiences through hands on activities. Youth work can be conducted in a numerous amount of settings and can be applied to any content area. Youth work is able about to engage the youth in a way that allows them not only to learn, but to be the teacher of their own education. The greatest part of youth work is that the intent is not to be an educational lesson every time but to allow the youth to have a place that they can create and call their own to learn in.

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